**Learning Languages** Reggio Emilia's approach is based on a simple & powerful idea: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reggio_Emilia_approach|the hundred languages of children]]. Similarly - and in contrast to Education where a pre-existent pedagogical language is often imposed on people learning - Zero is interested at facilitating situations where people develops their own specific learning paths. However, keeping a trace of them is not easy. Zero aims at providing children and people of all ages with [[steps|methods]] and [[zero_kits|tools]] to document these languages, their creation (in a portfolio), reflect on them and share them - if desired - in public repositories. If they can manifest how they construct their own unique languages to assimilate and accomodate their world, they might better understand how they learn together new ways of re-organising what they discover. The evolution and exaptation of these languages, if studied through an action-research perspective, might reveal essential patterns about how learning processes work, how situated they are and how they could be mutualised or replicated at a global scale. **References** * Loris Malaguzzi - reggio * Carlina Rinaldi - reggio * Christopher Alexander - pattern language * DSL (domain specific languages) * Alan Kay - read+write medium * Donald Schön - reflective practitioner